August 13

Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox) Bleach For Dog Skins (Bleach Baths)

A review of the literature. One competent peer reviewed study was done. And diluted Clorox (sodium hypochlorite) is being used as a rinse, spray, wipe, etc. to combat germs in the skin which may be resistant to conventional antibiotic therapy.

Fran Bankovic also found an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bleach or sodium hypochlorite THIS IS THE BEST DOCUMENT

Bleach Baths- Use, Instruction, and Side Effects — DermNet

Topical Treatment of Canine Superficial Pyoderma – Edit

Sodium Hypochlorite-Salicylic Acid Shampoo for Treatment of Canine Staphylococcal Pyoderma – PubMed

Diluted sodium hypochlorite (bleach) in dogs- antiseptic efficacy, local tolerability and in vitro effect on skin barrier function and inflammation – PubMed

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February 5

Profithost Scam Review

Is Profithost a scam?

Answer: It is for me. At the moment the server is nonfunctional and cannot be found. This, on the tail end of almost constant down time and 'server migration' and 'improvements' which never materialized as functional sites.

The operators are overseas and inaccessible. Maybe part of the plan.

I wasted $52 on the Profithost server hosting package and then the $32 OTO upsell.

I'd recommend that you avoid the scam based on my review.

Doc Johnson

So far, NO lifetime hosting has been true.